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Reports of bald eagles dying from lead ammunition poisoning continue as populations of the formerly endangered bird soar.
Bald eagle exposure to the pesticide DDT caused potential extinction a half century ago.
And while the birds are no longer endangered and populations are still increasing, researchers say lead poisoning is taking a chunk of some of that growth, almost 4% to 5% annually.
While the population remains more or less stable locally, a host of unpredictable environmental variables could tip that.
Eagles consume lead mostly through animal carcasses and gut piles with lead ammunition.
A lead bullet fragment the size of a grain of rice is sufficient to kill a bald eagle.
( Supertrooper, 16.07.2024 )  ..

Conservatives Authorised A Bee-Killing Pesticide.
The UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs is being investigated by the environmental watchdog after Conservative ministers authorised a bee-killing pesticide that was banned by the EU.
The investigation into Defra was launched after the campaign group ClientEarth submitted a complaint to the Office for Environmental Protection, which was set up after Brexit to replace the EU’s framework for punishing environmental offences by governments in the bloc.
( Helena Horton, 08.07.2024 )  ..

Abstain from food polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from the meat of strangled animals and from blood.
( The Bible, Acts 15:20 )

If cruelty is evil, and God is all-compassionate and all-merciful, then why do people believe God is an animal-killing, bloodthirsty, murderous devil?
If slicing animals into pieces is permissible by God, then what horrible things could the Devil possibly do to animals?
In other words, if you believe God condones the killing of animals, then the God you glorify is no better than the Devil you condemn.
Jesus belonged to the vegan sect of the Essenes known as the Nazarenes.
With the compassionate ways of both branches documented by dozens of historians and theologians, it’s impossible to believe that Jesus consumed a violent diet of dismembered limbs and cut-up corpses.

A Coward On The End Of A Gun Kills Three Cheetah Cubs.
Campaigners are pleading for an immediate ban on trophy ­hunting after an animal killer gloried in his slaughter of three cheetah cubs.
Cameron Hopkins shamelessly posted images of the dead cubs despite there being just 7,000 of the animals left in the African wild.
The U.S. ammunition maker boasted: “My name is Cameron Hopkins and I proudly killed three cheetah cubs. I’d do it again under the same circumstances. All three are cubs, about one-year-old”.
( Nada Farhoud, 26.08.2024 )  ..

A Despicable ‘Hunting’ Competition In New Zealand That Includes Feral Cats, Deer, Pigs, Possums And Rabbits.
In rural New Zealand, an annual hunting competition has stirred controversy by including feral cats among its targets.
This year, participants in the North Canterbury event killed around 340 feral cats, a significant increase from the previous year.
The event, which aims to raise funds for local causes, also features hunting categories for deer, pigs, ducks, possums, and rabbits.
The introduction of feral cats to the hunting lineup in 2023 has drawn intense criticism from animal rights activists.
They argue that the competition promotes cruelty and desensitises children to violence.
Protesters from the Animal Save Movement attended the event, condemning it as a misguided attempt at Conservation.
( Supertrooper, 13.07.2024 )  ..

Adam and Eve, the first vegans on this planet, resided in the Garden of Eden, the world’s first vegan paradise.
They were living testaments to Genesis 1:29, God’s first dietary law: “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.”
Isaiah 11:7, God’s last dietary law, states, “The wolf will live with the lamb, the cow will feed with the bear, the lion will eat straw like the ox, and a little child will lead them. And neither will harm nor destroy on My Holy Mountain.”
The beginning and the end are vegan because veganism is the only way to live without bloodshed and cruelty.

Many other scriptures profess God’s love for animals.
Ecclesiastes 3:19-21 :  “God tests them (humans) so that they may see they are like the animals. Man’s fate is like that of the animals. The same fate awaits them both. As one dies, so dies the other. All have the same breath. Man has no advantage over the animal. Everything is meaningless. All go to the same place. All come from dust and to dust all return. Who knows if the spirit of man rises upward and the spirit of the animal goes down into the earth.”
Proverbs 15:17 :  “Better a meal of vegetables where there is love than a fattened calf filled with hate.”

Bangladesh Has Failed To Control The Illegal Bird Trade.
Bangladesh, a signatory nation of CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora), has failed to control illegal bird trade and has recently been suspended from the convention.
Data shows that Bangladesh has been importing several species of endangered birds from the international market to sell locally as pets.
( Supertrooper, 07.09.2024 )  ..

Extremely High Mortality Rates Of Fish On Scottish Salmon Farm.
The removal of tonnes of dead fish from a salmon farm before a Scottish parliament fact-finding mission there gave a misleading impression of conditions, an animal rights charity says.
Footage secretly filmed by Animal Equality UK shows salmon being disposed of on the morning before a visit to Dunstaffnage salmon farm, near Oban, later that day by committee members carrying out an inquiry into the industry.
The committee said the footage raised questions about fish mortality.
Animal Equality UK said tracking data also showed a delousing boat visited the farm three days earlier and dead floating fish were filmed there.
The Holyrood rural affairs and islands (RAI) committee is conducting an inquiry into salmon farming as a follow-up to its 2018 inquiry, which expressed concern about “extremely high mortality rates” at certain sites.
It also said the industry had not yet identified an effective way to deal with “the significant challenge presented by sea lice infestation”.
( Haroon Siddique, 25.09.2024 )  ..

The dominion directive and “Thou Shalt Not Kill” commandment hold the dubious distinction of being the most important, yet most misunderstood mandates.
Exodus 20:13 and Deuteronomy 5:17 unambiguously state, “You shall not murder.”
So, contrary to religious dogma, being merciful and compassionate to all of God’s creatures by not killing them is the only way to honour the ‘Thou Shalt Not Kill’ commandment.
Displaying the utmost arrogance, people who consume animal products also assume dominion gives them the right to enslave and torture animals with impunity.
Dominion’s true calling, however, is for humans to protect and care for God’s most innocent creatures.
The dominion humans have over animals is the same dominion parents have over their children.

The Gospel Of The Nazarenes Forbids The Killing Of Animals.
The Gospel of the Nazarenes (47:3) states, “It has been written, ‘Thou shalt not kill’, but I say to you, if any hate and desire to slay, they have broken the Law. If they cause hurt or torment to any creature, they are guilty. But if they kill to put an end to suffering which cannot be healed, they are not guilty, if they do it quickly and with much mercy.”
Church Fathers Papias, Hegesippus, Iranaeus, Clement, Origen, Basil, Epiphanius, Eusebius and St. Jerome wrote about The Gospel of the Nazarenes, which verifies its ancient existence.
Penned sometime in the first century, it is now unjustly part of the Apocrypha, scriptures viewed as inauthentic by the Church.
The Gospel of the Nazarenes is only labeled as apocryphal because it forbids the killing of animals for sacrifice or sustenance.
Today’s bible is the Roman, not the Judeo-Christian, version of biblical events.
From the years 325-403, Emperor Constantine’s Council of Nicaea re-wrote and re-edited most of the compassionate teachings of Jesus and other prophets to promote an agenda of hatred, from heterosexism and misogyny to slavery and speciesism.

The Killing Of Dingoes To Protect Farm Animals.
The Victoria government in Australia has extended the right to kill dingoes on private and public land until 2028.
The government order, which took effect on October 8, 2024, declared dingoes were “unprotected wildlife” under the state’s Wildlife Act.
The ruling means dingoes can be killed by trapping, poisoning or shooting across large parts of eastern Victoria, despite being listed as threatened under the state’s Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act.
At least 468 dingoes were trapped and shot by government controllers last year out of an estimated population of 2,640 to 8,800 animals in eastern Victoria.
Victoria’s environment department said it was ‘striking the right balance’ between protecting vulnerable dingo populations and giving farmers the ability to protect livestock.
( Supertrooper, 11.10.2024 )  ..

The Creator Is Manifest In All Creatures.
In the beginning the Creator gave to all the fruits of the trees, and the seeds and the herbs for food.
But those who loved themselves more than the Lord or their fellows, corrupted their ways and brought diseases into their bodies, and filled the earth with lust and violence.
Not by the shedding of innocent blood, therefore, but by living a righteous life shall you find peace.
Blessed are they who keep this Law, for the Creator is manifest in all creatures and all creatures live in the Creator.
( Jesus, The Gospel of the Nazarenes 75:6-14 )

If fruits and vegetables do not cause disease, and animal products are responsible for almost all of our main diseases, why do people believe the Lord ordained pestilent food?
Are we supposed to believe the Lord said, “I give you cows and pigs and chickens. Hang them upside down, cut their throats, butcher their bodies, cook their muscles and consume their flesh. Even if it clogs your arteries or gives you cancer or diabetes, be fruitful and multiply.”
As you can see, rationalising the consumption of animal products is preposterous.
God admonishes us to treat the body like a temple by ingesting healthy, cruelty-free foods.
( Wilfred Soon )

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