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A License To Kill.
Natural England has issued a license for someone to kill up to ten buzzards ‘to prevent serious damage to young pheasants’.
Pheasants are not a native species to the UK, and are bred solely for rich assholes to shoot for sport.
According to 2011 figures, over 50 MILLION non-native gamebirds (pheasants, red-legged partridge) are released into the countryside EVERY YEAR, so that those in the ‘game-shooting’ industry can shoot them for fun.
We also know that the buzzard is a native, protected species, still recovering (in some areas) from decades of illegal persecution.

The holocaust never ended – it switched species.
( Sean Watson )

Brought into the world by humans, so-called ‘farm’ animals spend their entire life trembling with fear, many in constant pain after being abused and tortured, before being brutally murdered.

It’s easy to understand but impossible to justify.
They just don’t consider what’s on their plate have been a living, feeling animal.
That’s a disconnect and it’s one most of us managed perfectly well until we saw the light.
( Mark McKay, 29.11.2017 )

No intelligent species would destroy their own environment.
No intelligent species would cause the extinction of other species.

No mother willingly hands over her own child’s milk at that child’s fatal expense.
( Sabrina Lee )

The Ongoing Animal Holocaust.
Now I’m sure I’ve told you this before, er, many times, but I have existed very happily, thank you, on a vegetarian diet for over three decades.

Not because I’m a faddy fool, but because I abhor the ongoing animal holocaust misery that goes on behind closed doors each and every day.
Maybe not Christmas Day, but by then the nation’s scoffing the 10 million turkeys bought in the run-up to Christmas – bred and brought up in misery so we can pile on the pounds, while the meat industry piles on the ££££££s.
( Fiona Phillips, 06.01.2018 )

We act every day in a cruel, treacherous, barbaric way towards innocent animals, and we claim to be civilised.

The real struggle in being vegan doesn’t involve food.
It’s coming face-to-face with the darker side of humanity and trying to remain hopeful.
( Nick Bean )

When the spineless shits in Government allow fur ‘farms’ to operate and allow the sale of fur to continue, they are equally responsible as the worthless scum who torture and kill the animals and the ugly mugs who buy and wear the cruelty and suffering.

In a world where even humans are treated brutally, animals must be living a life of fear and quiet desperation.

Being vegan is not the key to immortality.
We are all going to get sick and die.

But to know you’re living without harming.
That’s the loveliest feeling.

( Victoria Moran )

Animals stand alone against the dark forces of cruel, greedy humans.

The Cruel, Shameful Treatment Of Monkeys.
In 2014, as evidence mounted about the harmful effects of diesel exhaust on human health, scientists in an Albuquerque laboratory conducted an unusual experiment.
Ten monkeys squatted in airtight chambers, watching cartoons for entertainment as they inhaled fumes from a diesel Volkswagen Beetle.

German automakers had financed the experiment in an attempt to prove that diesel vehicles with the latest technology were cleaner than the smoky models of old.
But the American scientists conducting the test were unaware of one critical fact: The Beetle provided by Volkswagen had been rigged to produce pollution levels that were far less harmful in the lab than they were on the road.
The results were being deliberately manipulated.

The Albuquerque monkey research, which has not been previously reported, is a new dimension in a global emissions scandal that has already forced Volkswagen to plead guilty to federal fraud and conspiracy charges in the United States and to pay more than $26 billion in fines.
( Jack Ewing, 25.01.2018 )

The only people the ‘meat’ industry are able to employ to wilfully kill animals are psychopaths, perverts, cowards, and others with mental disorders and sadistic tendencies.

People that lack respect for animals eventually lose respect for other people.

Eat the goodness of the garden.
Not the sickness and suppuration of the slaughterhouse.
( Mark Thomas White )

ALL animals once roamed wild and free, until humans decided to domesticate the most gentle creatures for exploitation and slaughter.

It’s been months since an animal has had to die so that I could eat a meal and I feel smug as shit about it to be honest.
( Mark Hoppus )

We kill animals simply because we have the ‘power’ to do so, and they can’t stop us.
Just how cowards and bullies behave.
Perhaps one day, flesh-eating Aliens will land on Earth, more intelligent and stronger than us, and will like the taste of human flesh.

I Cannot Justify Exploiting Another Female.
I am a mother against dairy because as someone who identifies as female and a mother, I cannot justify exploiting another female, forcibly impregnating her, and then stealing her child, whom she carried for nine months, just as I carried my son, in order to satisfy a taste bud pleasure.
Our bodies produce milk to feed our babies and every mother, human or otherwise, should have the freedom to birth, feed and raise her child in peace.
If you wouldn’t use my breast milk for coffee or cereal, then please stop using theirs.

( Syl Morello )

The excitement they experience, these worthless lumps of shit who call themselves ‘hunters’, when they murder a defenceless animal is due to their deep feelings of inadequacy and impotence in ordinary life.

Don’t talk to me about peace and non-violence when there’s a dead animal on your dinner plate.
( Colleen Polito )

I will be an Angel when I die.
But for now, I’m just a frightened soul, being abused and in constant pain, enslaved in a land ruled by cruel, evil humans.

Sixty (60) per cent of the world’s biodiversity loss is due to ‘meat’ consumption.
( WWF report, October 2017 )

Ugly lumps of useless human nothingness infest our planet.
They call themselves ‘hunters’.

Millions Of Animals Murdered For The Fur Industry.
More than 50 million animals a year are killed for the fur industry, including foxes, seals, mink, squirrels, rabbits, and even dogs and cats. It’s not a by-product of the meat trade, most animals are killed just for their fur.
The fur-trim fashion is as great (if not a greater) threat to animals as fur coats.
Trim for accessories, keyrings, bobble hats and edging is in huge demand, so it’s not ‘leftover’ fur used for trim, the animals are killed specifically for it.
Just because the label says it’s faux, it doesn’t mean you should believe it.
Research by Humane Society International found real fur labelled as faux, or unlabelled, for sale on the high street in 2017.
( Sunday Mirror Magazine, 07.01.2018 )

They call it ‘hunting’.
How sad little creeps make themselves feel like big men.

Verily, there is heavenly reward for every act of kindness done to a living animal.
( Prophet Muhammad )

The blood-soaked ‘meat’ industry relies on the mutilation of baby animals, where life for these little souls is short and filled with pain, disease and fear.

Vegan, because the strong always protect the weak.

Fear Allah in your treatment of animals.
( Abu Dawood )

Masked Men Murdering Badgers.
In Pembrokeshire, UK, on the 18th May 2010, more that 24 police officers, in what was called ‘operation cascade’, descended on a smallholding.
The land owners were given ten minutes notice.
With the police were contractors, there to prepare for the killing.
The contractors were wearing balaclavas, which they refused to remove.
This means that masked, armed men are being allowed to invade our homes.
That morning, as police left HQ for their sortie, they were told to be prepared, because they would be arresting ‘normal, law-abiding citizens’.
An eight-hour stand-off ensued.
Adrian Stallwood, an emergency room doctor, who was there, said:  “Rational people oppose this cull. Never mind the threatening nature of the raid, can you imagine what this stand-off cost the taxpayer?”
“As a physician, I understand vaccination as opposed to extermination.
A cull makes the problem worse.
The objective is to cull 80% of badgers in Pembrokeshire, which is 1500 to 2000 badgers, maybe more.
What happens when you cull is that the animals disperse, which spreads the disease further.
The new population – and the badger population will recover in a few years – is sicker.
If you vaccinate every year, the population becomes healthier”.

When you have no respect for one species you have no respect for any species.
( Rose Winfold )

The Real Victims.
Animals are the real victims on this earth.
They don’t have wars, they don’t have weapons.
They don’t argue, or fight over, or impose religion.
They don’t kill other animals for amusement.
Their only crime is that they exist.

Going vegetarian can prevent, and sometimes reverse, our nation’s biggest killers, such as diabetes, obesity, heart disease, cancer, and strokes.
Muscle your way to better health.

( Michael Clarke Duncan )

The flesh on your plate isn’t a product of farming.
It’s a product of oppression, violence and murder.

Billionaire Bill Gates is investing £29million to breed a ‘super cow’ based on British cattle.
He wants to take genes from our dairy herds and infuse them with DNA from tough African breeds to create a high-yielding animal that can thrive anywhere.

UK Holstein-Friesians produce 40 pints of milk a day on average – their African cousins manages just 3.5. But African cattle survive blistering heat and eat much less food.
( Stephen White, 27.01.2018 )

Being vegan only takes three things:
A heart, a brain, and the willingness to use them both.

We Are Eating Cruelty.
When we eat animal products, we are directly consuming high blood pressure, stress, and adrenaline.
We are eating fear, grief, and rage.
We are eating suffering, horror, and murder.
We are eating cruelty.
If you don’t like animals being hurt and killed.
Stop paying people to hurt and kill them.

Deceiving the ignorant masses that we have animal welfare and that ‘farm’ animals are treated ‘humanely’ is simply a ploy by the blood-soaked ‘meat’ industry and its wealthy shareholders to continue making money from the simple-minded, meat-eating population.

Animals are not voiceless.
People are just not listening.

I picked her up and ran to the shelter of nearby trees, applied a tourniquet to her injured leg and called the medics.
I stayed with her constantly.
She had saved my life on so many occasions, I had to make sure that I was there for her.

( Corporal Juan Rodriquez on saving VC war dog Lucca after a roadside bomb )

Meat is the dead body of someone who wanted to live.

Cows do think and have emotions.
I worked in the largest slaughterhouse on the planet, Iowa Beef, now Tyson Foods.
We killed 200 cattle an hour.
They would weep, crying with big tears, trembling with fear.
Cows have emotions, just like your dog or cat.
( Ex-slaughterhouse worker )

Animals are treated as a “product”. 
Their body is butchered and parts of their flesh are displayed for sale in shops and supermarkets.

An Obese American Shooting An African Elephant.
The excitement they experience when they murder an unarmed animal is entirely due to their deep feelings of inadequacy and impotence in ordinary life.
So they try to compensate for this sense of inferiority by shooting something much stronger and braver than they are.
I once watched a documentary about an obese American shooting an African elephant.
As the elephant sank slowly to the ground, the American announced that it was ‘the most gratifying moment of my life’.
We all felt nothing but contempt.
Since the reason to bring a trophy back is to show off to other people how ‘manly’ and ‘exciting’ you are, banning trophies would immediately remove this disgusting motive.

( John Cleese )

Animals don’t perform tricks because they want to, they do it because they’re afraid of what happens if they don’t.

Lamb Is What It Sounds Like – A Baby Or Juvenile Sheep.
Lamb in the UK is called lamb if it’s killed and marketed in the year of its birth (or in the year following its birth if the lamb is born after 30 September).
Over 15 million sheep are slaughtered every year in the UK – around half are lambs.
Sheep have a natural lifespan of between 10-12 years.

The will to live is as intense in all creatures as it is in a human.

The world is not a factory and animals are not products for our use.
( Arthur Schopenhauer )

Veganism is not a diet.
It’s a choice your heart makes.

Fishing is when you want a relaxing day, but still want to murder someone.

You call me vermin, destructive and dangerous.
Yet you humans have managed to destroy entire eco-systems, pollute the ocean, and hunted other species into extinction.
( Sally the Fox )

Some people genuinely have no idea what eating meat involves.
But ignorance can no longer be an excuse. The horror is out there.

A Bloody Stain On Our Civilisation.
There may only be 20,000 lions left in the whole of Africa.
Almost 2,000 rhino were poached in South Arica in 2015.
Yet it is possible for a tiny, wealthy elite to travel to Africa and kill hundreds of elephants, lions and rhinos, the world’s rarest and most iconic wild animals, legally and for fun.
Trophy hunters rob the rest of us of our shared wildlife heritage.
It is time for a practise that leaves a bloody stain on our civilisation to end.

( Will Travers, President of Born Free, April 2016 )

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