Animals In Zoos Are Dying From Bird Flu. Dozens of rare animals including tigers, lions…
Human kind are not always the good kind.
( Rose Winfold )
Maybe you can’t see the soul of an animal because you still haven’t found your own.
It’s always in our power to be kind.
( Dion Felsrow )
Society has successfully brain-washed us so that the majority of people literally believe there is nothing wrong and it makes sense to love and care about animals and kill and eat them, too.
Fortunately, some people finally see sense and realise we don’t need to consume animal products, and we don’t need to behave like savages by inflicting suffering and barbaric slaughter on gentle creatures that we unnaturally bring into existence by forcibly extracting semen from the males and forcibly impregnating the females.
( Rose Winfold )
To care about all living beings is what good people have always done.
Do you hate bullying?
Do you hate violence?
That’s all that happens in a slaughterhouse.
( Len Firswood )
Man, the most evil creature on the planet.
Chickens, cows, pigs, sheep, all sentient beings, just “products” of the despicable farming and meat and dairy industries.
( Flori Swedon )
Has The RSPCA Lost Sight?
Kent vet David Smith, who worked for the RSPCA for 12 years, said, “It seems to be all about prosecuting people now. The RSPCA seems to have lost sight of its role as a charity that was set up to help people and animals”.
In the past two years, convictions secured by the charity have increased from 2,579 to 3,114.
Last year, spinster Georgina Langley, 67, of West Hougham, Kent, was raided at her home by the RSPCA and had five of her 13 cats put down.
The charity prosecuted her for neglect, but Mr Smith, 62, came to her aid.
After sending two of the cats’ bodies to the Royal Veterinary College (RVC) for an independent post-mortem, he said, “There appears to be no good reason why the RSPCA allowed these animals to be put to sleep.”
The RVC post-mortems concluded the cats were healthy, with no signs of incorrect feeding or major problems with fleas or other illnesses.
They were very heavy-handed with an elderly lady and kept her standing out in her garden in the rain for hours while they searched her house.
All the cats required was some flea spray.
When I started doing work for them, the inspectors rarely prosecuted people – it was mostly about helping people to care for the animals.
They would go and check on OAPs and make sure they have flea treatment etc., and that just never happens these days.
They always seem to want to go for prosecution, no matter what, and I hear the same story from other vets.
Following a three-day trial in May 2012, the RSPCA dropped 11 of the 13 charges against Miss Langley.
She pleaded guilty to failing to get veterinary care quickly enough for two of her animals.
Ms Angela Egan-Ravenscroft was branch co-ordinator for the RSPCA London region between 1990 and 2000.
Disillusioned with the way the charity was being run, she left and went to work for the Countryside Alliance.
She said, “Healthy, well-adjusted, rehomeable animals were being destroyed, and I didn’t want to be part of an organisation that did that. The RSPCA has badly lost its way and all of its reasons for being set up in the first place have been subverted. The grass-roots animal welfare no longer exists”.
Ms Dawn Aubrey-Ward, 44, from Martock, Somerset, joined the RSPCA as a trainee inspector in 2007.
But she soon found herself at odds with what she described as its ‘antiquated military-style’ regime which placed ‘prosecution and persecution’ of owners ahead of protection of their pets.
Ms Aubrey-Ward said, “The RSPCA’s image was that they care for animals, prevent cruelty and help and advise people with animals. I was horrified when I learned we were going to have to put down healthy animals because we didn’t have room for them. If there wasn’t any room in the nearby RSPCA home or one of a number of approved charities, we were supposed to euthanise them. The RSPCA won’t work with people – they see every case as a chance to prosecute, to generate publicity for themselves”.
Not all organisations feel that it is necessary to destroy healthy animals.
Dogs Trust, for example, still takes in strays, but refuses to euthanise healthy animals.
( Nick Craven and Lynne Wallis, 30.12.2012 )
Farm animals face a short lifetime of abuse and are then killed because of the choices you make.
The vast majority of people don’t realise that they have been taught and conditioned to value human life so far above the life of other species that it seems appropriate for their taste preferences to supersede other species’ preference for survival.
( Rose Winfold )
The ridiculous idea that farm animals deserve to be treated humanely, but don’t deserve to live.
If all mankind were to disappear, the world would regenerate back to the rich state of equilibrium that existed ten thousand years ago.
If insects were to vanish, the environment would collapse into chaos.
( E.O. Wilson )
There are no acceptable reasons for abuse or cruelty to any living being.
( Anthony Douglas Williams )
The Playgrounds Of The Rich Are Open To All.
The Scottish estate of the Duke of Atholl on the borders of Perthshire, Inverness-shire and Aberdeenshire.
Dominic Morrogh Bernard is the gamekeeper.
Today he is stalking a hind with a paying client.
Belly down in the heather, they crawl to within 200 metres of their target.
A single shot from a .308 calibre rifle then rents the silence.
A hind falls and the rest take flight.
Her intestines are removed on the hillside before her body is hoisted onto a waiting Highland pony.
Back down the hillside in the lodge’s larder, Morrogh Bernard hangs the deer and carves her open.
He belongs to a world peopled by stalkers and gamekeepers, ghillies and beaters.
A land army whose battle colours are the muted greens, greys and blues of nature woven into the tweeds they wear.
Twenty per cent of Scottish land is managed for “sporting” purposes.
The playgrounds of the rich are open to all.
The enthusiasts now include international hunters and high net worth hedge funders, corporate hospitality parties and local friends.
They hire the guns and the know-how, paying per day or per week for the privilege.
To stalk a stag costs between £400-£450 per animal.
To stalk a hind costs between £210-£300 per day.
( Sarah Oliver, 16.12.2012 )
They shoot and kill defenceless, helpless, innocent creatures.
And they call it “sport”.
I call it cold-blooded murder!
( Rose Winfold )
We live in a wonderful world with wonderful animals.
It’s just sad that we have so many shit people.
Why animal rights?
It is a matter of taking the side of the weak against the strong, something the best people have always done.
( Harriet Beecher Stowe )
A very simple rule in life is: If you wouldn’t want it done to you, don’t do it to others.
Animals have no voice.
They can’t ask for help.
They can’t ask for freedom.
They can’t ask for protection.
Humanity must be their voice.
( Anthony Douglas Williams )
Animals suffer because of the greed and the selfishness of humans.
Vivisection Is Unnecessary.
Every year, millions upon millions of primates, cats, dogs, pigs, rabbits, rodents and a myriad of other living creatures are held against their will and tested on in the most inhumane ways, without any regard to their well-being.
In these hidden laboratories, innocent animals are dissected, suffocated, starved, exposed to radiation, shocked, isolated, blinded, injected with lethal drugs, forced to inhale tobacco smoke and consume alcohol and drugs, given heart attacks, have their limbs severed and are forced to endure countless other tortures to “serve the purpose of science”.
Vivisection is a scam.
It is unethical, unnecessary and unreliable.
It is used greatly to pad the pockets of these ruthless animal abusers.
Dr. Ray Greek, an anti-animal testing physician states, “Animal experimentation is not necessary. It is expensive. It is inaccurate. It is misleading. It consumes limited resources. And further, it is detrimental to the very species it professes to be working to help — humankind.”
Up to 90% of test results gained through animal experimentation are literally thrown away because they’re found to be inapplicable to humans.
88% of doctors agree this practice is often misleading due to anatomical and physiological differences between species.
Had animal test results been heeded, aspirin, penicillin, insulin and vital cancer treatments would never have been made accessible to the public.
( An extract from an article by Care2 )
In the egg industry, the birth day for a newborn male chick is also their death day.
Deliberate cruelty to our defenceless and beautiful little cousins is surely one of the meanest and most detestable vices of which a human being can be guilty.
( William Ralph Inge )
Most people have become educated, but many have not yet become human.
( Dion Felsrow )
Killing animals for sport, for pleasure, for adventure, and for hides and furs is a phenomena which is at once disgusting and distressing.
There is no justification in indulging in such acts of brutality.
( The Dalai Lama )
Live Pigs Are Shot And Wounded.
NHS surgeons who serve in the British Army are taking part in exercises in which live pigs are shot and wounded by marksmen so that medics can practise battlefield surgery.
On the most recent course, 18 healthy pigs were drugged, shot at close range and taken by stretcher into operating theatres where medics treated their wounds in a simulation of how injured soldiers are cared for.
But animal welfare campaigners have described the exercise as ‘barbaric’ and said using ‘bleed-and-breathe’ human dolls was as effective as conducting surgery on live animals.
The Definitive Surgical and Trauma Care course (DSTC) took place at Nato’s Jaegerspris training area 30 miles northwest of the Danish capital Copenhagen.
Despite the controversy surrounding the exercise, some of the surgeons appeared to relish taking part.
The day before testing on the live pigs, this newspaper observed some surgeons at a hotel near the base chanting ‘DSTC! DSTC!’ and overheard one boast: “We are going to do a lot of damage, hopefully to the pigs’ livers”.
The following morning, sedatives were mixed into the pigs’ food and when they fell asleep, a vet administered an anaesthetic.
The pigs were then taken to a shooting range in a forest on the banks of the Roskilde fjord.
Circles were drawn on the pigs’ underbellies and three-man sniper teams from the Danish army took aim, ensuring their precision rounds narrowly missed the left kidneys.
Shots were intended to damage organs but not kill the animals.
From this moment, the pigs were treated as if they were human casualties, with medics rushing to their side and using dressings to stem blood loss.
The pigs were wrapped in blankets, carried into waiting ambulances and driven to a nearby theatre where the surgeons were waiting.
One taking part told The Mail on Sunday the pigs survived for two hours before being destroyed and their carcasses were dumped at an animal waste site.
Pigs that survived surgery were then eliminated using heavy doses of barbiturates.
Britain and Denmark belong to a minority of Nato countries that continue to use live animals in such procedures.
Justin Goodman, of People for the Ethical Treament of Animals (PETA) described the course as ‘barbaric’.
He said: “The shooting of pigs to intentionally cause life-threatening injuries is horrendously cruel and archaic.
This needs to end”.
( Mark Nicol, 18.11.2012 )
Is there a single animal more evil than the human animal?
( Flori Swedon )
What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a mirror reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and to one another.
( Mahatma Gandhi )
There is no fundamental difference between man and animals in their ability to feel pleasure and pain, happiness, and misery.
( Charles Darwin )
No other animal on earth has portrayed such a disregard for life than mankind.
( Anthony Douglas Williams )
The Slaughter Of Dolphins.
For the men wearing wetsuits wading in a shallow bay teeming with trapped wild dolphins, the decision is as simple as it is ruthless.
Running their hands carefully over each dolphin’s body, they check to ensure the creature is free from scars, particularly on the dorsal and tail fins.
At first glance this human interaction with one of the few creatures said to possess an intellect close to our own appears an act of caring tenderness.
But in reality, these are businessmen selecting their merchandise for a multi-million-pound trade in live dolphins.
The best specimens (usually young females, or cows) are removed from their families to be sold live for between £50,000 and £100,000 each to aquariums.
The dolphins they reject — the ones with minor blemishes on their skin — are slaughtered where they are trapped in that cove at Taiji on the south coast of Japan.
In a frenzy of violence that has shocked animal lovers and marine environmentalists around the world, some are speared repeatedly by fisherman circling in motorboats whose propellers often slice the dolphins’ skin.
Others are held underwater to drown.
Sometimes, a metal pole is rammed into their blubber in the hope of shattering the mammal’s spine.
A cork stopper is then hammered into the hole where the rod was forced in, to try to reduce the blood spilt into the sea — to conceal the extent of the slaughter.
Invariably a few dolphins try to make a break for freedom and attempt to jump over the netting that seals off the bay.
However, amid the blood-red waters almost all of them eventually succumb to their fate.
These barbaric scenes took place just before Christmas, during a hunting season when Japanese fishermen ‘harvest’ dolphins to supply to aquariums for human entertainment.
It is estimated that for every wild dolphin caught to be trained to perform tricks in captivity, around four times that number are slaughtered.
The fishermen then sell off the meat for about £10 a kilo.
They see the creatures as a menace because they pose a threat to the dwindling reserves of fish in the Pacific Ocean.
But for those that survive the slaughter, life might as well be over.
The stress a dolphin suffers as a result of being captured, transported and imprisoned in a small tank dramatically reduces its lifespan.
While wild dolphins live for up to 60 or 70 years, captured ones often perish when they are as young as eight, say environmentalists.
According to marine experts, some dolphins are so distressed by their capture that they commit suicide.
( MailOnLine )
Animals pay a dear price simply for being born into a world where humans see them as ‘property’.
These beings are not ‘resources’.
They are living, breathing, hurting members of our global family.
( Anthony Damiano )
Could you look an animal in the eyes and say to it,
‘My appetite is more important than your suffering?’
( Moby )
We cannot have peace among men whose hearts delight in killing any living creature.
By every act that glorifies or even tolerates such moronic delight in killing we set back the progress of humanity.
( Rachel Carson )
The Slaughter Of Bobby Calves.
Young calves pushed, shocked with electric prods, hit and dragged up a metal ramp to be slaughtered. Some, too weak to stand, are thrown into the slaughter chute.
Animals Australia lodged a formal complaint with the Department of Primary Industries (DPI) for breaches of Victorian animal cruelty laws and the illegal use of an electric prod on a calf.
A formal complaint was also lodged with PrimeSafe for breaches of the Australian Standards governing welfare at abattoirs.
PrimeSafe ordered the practices cease immediately.
Investigations have now concluded — incredibly, no charges have been laid.
Instead, the abattoir owners and several workers were issued with formal warnings by DPI.
This exposure of abattoir cruelty, the latest in a string over the past 15 months, further demonstrates the urgent need for constant monitoring by Government veterinary officers and CCTV in all abattoirs.
These young, vulnerable animals suffered not only because of illegal cruelty — but, crucially, because they were not wanted by the commercial dairy industry.
Hundreds of thousands of Australian bobby calves are slaughtered each year as ‘waste products’ of the dairy industry.
The terrible treatment at this abattoir is not the first, nor will it be the last time that calves will be thrown, dragged and abused.
Their inability as babies to comprehend what is required of them, whether during loading for transport or up the races of slaughterhouses, requires them to be treated with compassion and patience — two human traits rarely witnessed when it comes to dealing with unwanted and ‘worthless’ animals.
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If a man earnestly seeks a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from animal food.
( Leo Tolstoy )
Mr Smith seems to be right, I have come across many cases where the RSPCA have chosen to prosecute instead of advise and help. If they continue in this vein, they will soon lose all credibility. They fashion themselves as an animal police force, where in reality they are simply a charity with no more legal powers than any of the rest of us. Word is spreading fast now and more people are beginning to know their rights regarding the RSPCA.
The RSPCA continually reply to prosecution critics with the defence, “We only prosecute as a last resort”
Just like Peter crying wolf, this defence falls on deaf ears, but unlike Peter the general public have good reason to ignore this defence, we only have to read the cases to see that many of them could easily have easily been dealt with advice and understanding, it seems the only advice coming from RSPCA these days is “Get yourself a lawyer, we’re prosecuting”.
The case of Clywd Davies illustrates this point, this was a man who clearly needed help, here was a man spending his pension on caring for these horses, and the irony of it, buying second hand clothes for him self from an RSPCA charity shop, enter the baddies stage left, boo hiss, sorry I’m getting into the mood for pantomime season, which this case really is, they see a herd of horses that need worming perhaps a few other minor ailments that need attention, and decide rather then offering help and understanding, we’ll make an example of him, we’ll take him to court, knowing that he has no means to pay any court costs or fines, so what is the point of a prosecution, the cynics among us may shout (still in pantomime mode here) publicity, publicity, but what would that gain, we’ll add to the bottom of the news article describing the prosecution about the terrible man trying to help horses, that the RSPCA are struggling financially in these austere times, and you have a publicity campaign that cost RSPCA nowt but the prosecution of a man they could have helped.
And what of Clywd Davies, for those that don’t know, he disappeared shortly after the case, no one knows where he is, do the RSPCA care about him, who knows probably not, in their agenda he’s just collateral damage in a point that needs making time and time again through mean prosecutions, and every one of those prosecutions results in collateral damage, and often witch hunts against what are essentially misguided people in need of guidance.
How did a once respected charity arrive at this point?
November 24, 2013 at 9:46 am
Mr Smith seems to be right, I have come across many cases where the RSPCA have chosen to prosecute instead of advise and help. If they continue in this vein, they will soon lose all credibility. They fashion themselves as an animal police force, where in reality they are simply a charity with no more legal powers than any of the rest of us. Word is spreading fast now and more people are beginning to know their rights regarding the RSPCA.