Animals In Zoos Are Dying From Bird Flu. Dozens of rare animals including tigers, lions…
Man Is The Only Animal That Is To Be Dreaded.
One saw a bird dying, shot by a man.
It was flying with rhythmic beat and beautifully, with such freedom and lack of fear.
And the gun shattered it.
It fell to the earth and all the life had gone out of it.
A dog fetched it, and the man collected other dead birds.
He was chattering with his friend and seemed so utterly indifferent.
All that he was concerned with was bringing down so many birds, and it was over as far as he was concerned.
They are killing all over the world.
Those marvellous, great animals of the sea, the whales, are killed by the million, and the tiger and so many other animals are now becoming endangered species.
Man is the only animal that is to be dreaded.
Social psychologist Rob Alpha explains how researchers with the Genetic Economic Analytics Group found the neurophysiological link between sex and a man’s desire to hunt.
It turns out the same regions of the brain that are activated in the sex drive and orgasm are also activated by the compulsion to hunt and harvest animals.
Four Conservative MPs Take Part In Shooting Birds.
Animal rights campaigners have criticised a decision by four Conservative MPs to take part in a pheasant and partridge hunt paid for by the shooting lobby.
The event, which cost £953 and included a night’s stay in an 18th century country house, was organised and paid for by the British Association of Shooting and Conservation (BASC).
It insists the event was unconnected to its campaign against a proposed ban on pheasant shooting on public land in Wales that was announced by Natural Resources Wales (NRW) four days earlier.
The League Against Cruel Sports and Animal Aid suspects the shooting party event was part of this concerted lobbying campaign against the ban.
( Matthew Weaver, 27.11.2018 ) Source:
Fact: Hunting is a coward’s pastime.
( Sir Roger Moore )
Sadism may take a socially acceptable form (such as deer hunting and deer stalking) and other varieties of so-called ‘sport’.
These all represent the destructive and cruel energies of man directed toward more helpless creatures.
Perhaps more directly relevant are experiences in which individual infliction of pain on an animal or another person has given rise to sexual excitement.
We have noted elsewhere the connection between strong emotional and sexual stimulation.
( Dr. Karl Menninger, renowned psychiatrist, 1893-1990 )
The Greatest Slaughter Of Wildlife Land Animals On Our Planet.
Kangaroos are not farmed.
The commercial ‘hunting’ of kangaroos is totally unsupervised in remote Australia.
There is no account of kangaroos that are miss-shot and escape to die a painful, agonising death.
An ex-kangaroo shooter said, “The mouth of a kangaroo can be blown off and the kangaroo can escape to die of shock and starvation.
Stomachs can be hit expelling the contents with the kangaroo still alive.
Backbones can be pulverised to an unrecognisable state.
Hind legs can be shattered with the kangaroo desperately trying to get away on the other or without the use of the other.
To deny that this goes on is just an exercise in attempting to fool the public.”
Hunting may reflect a profound yet subtle psychosexual inadequacy.
( Dr. Joel R. Saper, University of Michigan )
Their right to a life is more important than your desire to eat them, isn’t it?
Hunters are seeking reassurance of their sexuality.
The feeling of power that hunting brings temporarily relieves this sexual uneasiness.
( Margaret Brooke-Williams, clinical psychologist )
Some people are afraid of aliens arriving because they think the aliens may exploit and persecute us the same way we exploit and persecute animals here on Earth.
Hunters Suffer From Repressed Sexual Issues.
During the fall season across North America hunters reach peak ‘buck fever’, and clinicians report that incidences of domestic violence and wife-beating always peak the day before each species of hunting season opens.
If we could peer inside the unconscious mind of the hunter, we would find a Pandora’s Box of repressed sexual issues.
Whether or not hunters shoot deer to demonstrate sexual potency or out of sexual frustration, in symbolic lieu of raping and killing women, there can be little doubt that as a social ritual, much hunting is all about killing the feminine in the hunter’s own self.
Of course, if you ask any hunter why they love to hunt, there will never be a discussion of sexual repression, or the ‘killing of the feminine in the hunter’s own self’.
Most won’t even be able to explain their motivation at all.
A few of them will, however, make the case for hunting-for-food.
( Merritt Clifton, author )
Life, freedom and justice should be for all animals, not just human animals.
If you have a sadistic desire to go hunting and kill, do it on a one-to-one basis armed only with the tools that you were born with.
I wonder how many of the morons would be brave enough?
( Rose Winfold )
If you don’t want animals being hurt and killed, then stop paying people to hurt and kill them.
No animals need to die for me to live.
( Wilfred Soon )
Proven Link Between Hunting And Small Penis Size.
Diminutive male genitalia disorder (DMGD) has been considered only a theory in the scientific world, but now the long-suspected link between hunting and unusually small penis size has been established as scientific fact by the Diminutive Male Genitalia Disorder Research Organisation (DMGDRO).
The DMGDRO has conducted an extensive two-year study on men with diminutive male genitalia disorder.
Lead by Mike Streams and Brian Upchurch, who began their collaboration on human sexuality research while undergraduate students at Johns Hopkins University, DMGDRO is a team of New Orleans, Louisiana-based scientists interested in the study of male sexual disorders and dysfunction.
Having identified the genetic disorder linking small male reproductive organs and the ability to derive pleasurable sensations from killing in a controlled environment without fear of personal harm (as differentiated from war or fighting back in an attack by a human being), also known as “controlled victim” aggression manifestation.
“It’s really quite interesting,” Dr. Streams says, “Like much folklore, it appears that, certainly in this case, there is a foundation in fact.
This is the first time that research has been conducted on men who hunt, and it shows quite definitively that the link between what we are calling ‘the thrill of the kill’ and a smaller-than-average penis is statistically significant.”
Initial tests conducted on mice and rabbits proved inconclusive, but subsequent human test subjects showed what Dr. Upchurch calls “staggering results.”
The subjects ranged from having a slight abnormality in penis size to a “pubis innyus” or inverted male pubic region.
As data were gathered, the numbers revealed a discrepancy so great that it seemed to suggest a genetic mutation.
By tracing what has been identified as the “DMGD gene”, an abnormality was discovered on the 21st chromosome.
Further investigation proved that this abnormality is consistently linked to two traits: abnormally small reproductive organs and “controlled victim” aggression manifestation.
( DMGD Research Organisation, April 2005 )
Strong men and intelligent men don’t carry guns and don’t go out shooting and killing animals.
If you look closely at the men who do carry guns and who do shoot and kill animals, they all look dumb and pretty stupid, and most of them are really ugly.
( Rose Winfold )
The animals whose lives have been so cold-heartedly snuffed out have precisely the same capacity to feel pain and suffer as we do.
All leave family members or mates behind when they are killed, and none is exempt from grief.
We know that we should protect the most vulnerable and helpless in society, not destroy them, much less derive pleasure from doing so.
( Sir Roger Moore )
Hunters ? .. Sexually inadequate cowards with a high-powered rifle trying to see if they can kill a frightened creature that can’t shoot back.
( Rose Winfold )
Beware of those among us who do harm to animals, for they will do the same to infants, the weak, and the defenceless.
( Dion Felsrow )
A Bloodsport Enjoyed By Royalty And Celebrities.
Helpless ‘game’ birds are being reared in abominable battery-style cages in preparation for the despicable annual shooting season.
Thousands of pairs of partridges on one farm are locked up in small barren boxes with metal sides.
Their only view is of either the sky or the ground.
They are imprisoned for months on end to lay eggs, which will hatch into the birds bred for the season that opens each September.
Disturbing images of the degradation have been released by campaigners Animal Aid.
The charity insists the photos show the real face of a bloodsport enjoyed by royalty, celebrities and assholes, including David Beckham and Madonna.
Investigators claim to have found dead birds at Heart of England Farms in Warwickshire, alongside others that had sustained damaged beaks and feather loss.
In darkened forest, scared and afraid
The smug-faced coward fired a bullet through his brain
For the evil, perverted scum, a job well done.
( Rose Winfold )
The mouth of a kangaroo can be blown off and the kangaroo can escape to die of shock and starvation.
Forearms can be blown off, as can ears, eyes and noses.
Stomachs can be hit expelling the contents with the kangaroo still alive.
Backbones can be pulverised to an unrecognisable state.
Hind legs can be shattered with the kangaroo desperately trying to get away on the other or without the use of either.
To deny that this goes on is just an exercise in attempting to fool the public.
( David Nicholls, former commercial kangaroo shooter )
An ego boost for a small mind, as ‘hunters’ savour the flavour of murder.
( Dion Felsrow )
The only animal that uses a weapon to kill other animals.
The human animal, the coward among animals.
( Rose Winfold )
Those Of Us With A Conscience Are Appalled.
In a world with boundless opportunities for amusement, it’s detestable that anyone would choose to get thrills from killing others who ask for nothing from life but the chance to remain alive.
The animals whose lives have been so cold-heartedly snuffed out have precisely the same capacity to feel pain and suffer as we do.
All leave family members or mates behind when they are killed, and none is exempt from grief.
We know that we should protect the most vulnerable and helpless in society, not destroy them, much less derive pleasure from doing so.
Thankfully, those of us with a conscience are appalled by the idea of gunning down animals for the sake of a thrill or a photo.
( Roger Moore )
Hunting and fishing involve killing animals with devices (such as guns) for which the animals have not evolved natural defences.
No animal on earth has adequate defence against a human armed with a gun, a bow and arrow, a trap that can maim, a snare that can strangle, or a fishing lure designed for the sole purpose of fooling fish into thinking they have found something to eat.
We should all eat food that was grown, not born.
Animals have a similar intellect to young children.
They are innocent.
They crave attention.
They want to play.
They can’t speak.
They don’t understand.
Abusing and mistreating animals is on the same level as abusing and mistreating children.
( Rose Winfold )
Lies And Excuses To Justify The Murder Of Wildlife Animals.
Wildlife, we are constantly told, would run loose across our towns and cities were it not for the sport hunters to control their population, as birds would blanket the skies without the culling services of Ducks Unlimited and other groups.
Yet here they are breeding wild animals, year after year replenishing the stock, all for the sole purpose of selling and killing them, deer and bears and elephants so many products being readied for the market.
Animals such as deer, we are told, have no predators in many areas, and therefore need systematic culling.
Yet when attempts are made to reintroduce natural predators such as wolves and coyotes into these very areas, sport hunters themselves are the first to resist it.
Weaker animals in the wild, we hear, will only die miserable deaths by starvation and exposure without sport hunters to control their population.
Yet it’s the bigger, stronger animals they’re killing and wounding, the very opposite of natural selection, often with bows and pistols that only compound and prolong the victim’s suffering.
Animal agriculture and the meat and dairy industries are the leading source of animal abuse and suffering on our planet.
Those who abuse and do harm to animals is the transference to others of the degradation which they bear in themselves.
( Rose Winfold )
All hunters are arseholes. Cruel, heartless, brainless, arseholes. What skill really, is there in taking away life from another sentient being? None. Useless fuckwits, all of you. Hurry up and go to Hell, all of you.
All hunters are brain dead morons with too much money and have not got a life and are dickheads. Sorry for bad language.
Trophy Hunting belongs in the dark Ages. It is nothing more than Wildlife Serial Killing and we are allowing it to continue. Wildlife populations have plummeted and if we do not act now to save what we have left then they are doomed. These monsters must be stopped
You can’t allow our wildlife and over 85% of the British public to keep taking one on the chin, while a few depraved individuals exercise their blood lust under grey legislation. – richard bowler
In civilized societies, we recognize that people who enjoy torturing and killing animals are deeply mentally ill, and need to be locked away for public safety. People who molest and murder children practice on animals first. It should NEVER be public policy to encourage, support or condone this mental illness.
Fewer than 5% of Americans hunt: this psychotic behavior is turning the other 95% against any hunting at all.
Donald Trump Jr pays money to kill animals in África and Alaska, and everybody can see by looking at him that his IQ must be very low. The lack of intelligence is obvious on all those Hunters and there are unfortunately women among them LIKE Sarah Palin.
Poor countries who sell licences to kill should be paid by organisations whose goal is the safety of animals, so that they do not depend on the money of some intellectually and emotionally underdeveloped honk.